RISE With Level UP 1

Transform Your Life with RISE!

Level UP 1

De-Stressed and Heart-Powered

Only from the heart can you touch the sky.

~ Rumi

What does it mean to Level UP?

Leveling UP is when you move from low-frequency feelings, beliefs,

and attitudes to high-frequency feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. Your energy

becomes transformational with each word, choice, and action.

You move through the world with more clarity, certainty, and confidence.

You exude joy and enthusiasm. You make life better for yourself and

others as you improve your health, relationships, performance,

and overall quality of life.

The first step in Leveling UP, is rising above stressful moments and

unmanaged emotions. You do that by creating and sustaining the

optimal state of heart coherence.

In Level Up 1, you will learn the scientifically-validated HeartMath®

stress/anxiety techniques that shift depleting and low-frequency feelings

like frustration, worry, anger, overwhelm, and resulting reactive behavior,

to renewing and high-frequency feelings such as calm, care, appreciation,

and compassion in just seconds to minutes—creating positive

responses and outcomes for self and all concerned.

You'll leave old behavior patterns behind that limit your life, create

burn-out, poor health, and keep you stuck, You'll create new neural pathways

and neural habits that create positive outcomes; those in alignment

with what matters most to you.

Most of us waste precious energy throughout the day with mismanaged

emotions, making it difficult to make good choices, perform, and

communicate well. Mismanaged emotions make it very difficult to stay

true to what is most important—like your health goals, core values,

relationships, and your life's purpose.

De-Stressed and Heart-Powered, you wake up each day excited,

open-hearted, and open-minded, willing, and now able to become the

best you can be. Less ego, less fear, more confidence, more energy.

In Level UP 1, you will:

1) Complete the Stress and Well-Being Assessment

You'll complete a Pre-Course Assessment to identify the areas in your life

that need 
 your attention the most to improve your overall health

and well-being and then a Post-Course Assessment to celebrate

your progress and 
identify those areas where ongoing effort

will yield your greatest benefits.

HeartMath Institute developed this comprehensive assessment tool to help

people more fully understand how twelve aspects of their life (work,

relationships, finances, social support, etc.) affect their levels

of stress and well-being.

To establish a reference baseline, the Stress and Well-Being Assessment was

normed on over 1500 individuals. Taking the assessment will help you pinpoint

how you rank in each of the twelve aspects and how these factors influence your

stress and well-being. It may prove valuable in helping you decide on specific

aspects of your life that you might wish to set improvement goals for and

focus on during the Self-Study Course.

2) Learn five core HeartMath® techniques to de-stress in seconds

to minutes and create the optimal state of heart coherence.

3) Learn how to sustain the state of heart coherence as you rewire

neural circuitry and create new neural habits. Heart coherence, a

smooth and orderly heart signal to brain, supports consistent and positive

responses to life’s challenges and opportunities, guided by your heart’s

intelligence and intuitive guidance—no matter the circumstances!

See the change in your heart rhythms and coherence levels on your

screen with HeartMath’s Inner Balance™ Coherence Plus app

and technology (optional and sold separately at a special price

for RISE Course participants!).

The state of heart coherence is a high-performance and optimal health

state—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—that brings out

the very best in us. Instead of diminishing energy during the day from

low-frequency depleting feelings and reactive behavior, your

energy is renewed as you respond positively to life's events and

challenges--aligning body, mind, and emotions, and what

matters most to you.

As you reorder your heart rhythms into a smooth, orderly signal (see picture

below), the brain responds with a wider perspective and with your

highest level of intelligence, creativity, and performance. Your health improves

as you de-stress when stress is occuring, and shift to renewing feelings,

regardless of what is going on.

The HeartMath techniques are used worldwide in major corporations,

universities, organizations, and hospitals. Athletes, students, health

professionals, business and world leaders, teachers, police officers,

Navy Seals, and others use the HeartMath techniques and technology

to optimize health and performance.

Level UP 1 is also ideal for those who have learned the HeartMath

techniques in the past and want to review the techniques, refresh their skills,

deepen their understanding, and renew their commitment to a

heart-powered life.

Studies conducted with over 14,000 people using the HeartMath®

techniques have shown improvements in mental & emotional

well-being in just 6-9 weeks:


Emotional Vitality + 27%

Sleep + 36%

Calmness + 49%


Anxiety and Depression - 67%

Fatigue - 53%

Anger - 67%

It's time to reach for the sky. It's time to RISE.

Two Options to Level UP!

Option 1 Self-Study


Step 1: Take the Pre-Course Stress and

Well-Being Assessment

Obtain your Stress and Well-Being Scores and see the areas in your life that need the most attention to improve your health, performance, and well-being.

Step 2: Complete The HeartMath® Experience Online Course

This beautifully crafted course is enjoyable, with visuals, the core HeartMath® techniques, and the science of heart intelligence. Course notes, my top suggestions, and technique steps are provided for each Lesson to optimize your results, both short- and long-term.

Step 3: Complete the Post-Course Stress and Well-Being Assessment

See the areas in your life you have made the greatest improvements and those remaining that will give you the biggest boost in your physical and

emotional well-being going forward.

Option 2 Self-Study Plus Personal Coaching

Self-Study Course (above) plus 1 Coaching Session $179

(choose the # of sessions best for you)

Add a Personal Coaching session before the Self-Study Course to

review your Stress and Well-Being Assessment results together and

co-create a strategy to optimize your Self-Study Course benefits.

Add a Personal Coaching session during the Self-Study Course

to practice the techniques together and transform a current struggle, challenge,

and/or mindset. Deepen your understanding of the techniques and

science with personal support.

Add a Personal Coaching session upon completing the Course and your

Post-Course Stress and Well-Being Assessment to review and celebrate your

successes together, co-create a personalized Daily Action Plan, and strategy

to maximize ongoing benefits.

You choose how many coaching sessions and when!

Self-Study Course + Personal Coaching

Course ($79) + # of Coaching Sessions with Special RISE course price

for Coaching Sessions: $100/60 min session

"The HeartMath techniques are like a time-release capsule."

~ Doc Childre, Founder of HeartMath®

In other words, the benefits continue to grow over a lifetime.

A change of heart truly changes everything.

© 2024 | Laurie Levin