You May Be Feeling It Too.

There is something more.

Something more for you to do.

Something more for you to become.

MY WISH FOR YOU is your best life lived. So,

Know and live your purpose. 

Passionately pursue your heart’s desires. 

Fuel your body well—emotionally and nutritionally.

Never stop seeking knowledge and understanding. 

Get to know and appreciate yourself deeply.

And always remember—the universe has your back.  




Personal RISE Coaching Sessions

Sometimes a little one-on-one time, another perspective, and a few tools

are all it takes to get unstuck and on the way to optimizing your potential, health, and performance.

Complete a Personal Health and Well-Being Assessment and schedule a session that best suits you..

Heart-to-heart, you got this!

Free 30-Minute

Breakthrough Session

Ready to be and do more in your life? Not sure you have the right mindset to make changes, stay on track, or achieve your goals? Are fear, lack, and doubt getting in your way? Welcome to humanity and there's no time better than now to start anew.


Personal RISE
Coaching Session

I am ready to schedule my

Personal Coaching Sessions to improve my health and well-being, learn techniques, and spiritual tools that will support my success. I am ready to RISE and bring my best self to my day, to others, and to the world.

What they are saying

"Thank you for such a perfect idea. I don’t think I could do this without your support and wisdom. You continue to change my life."


"I went to my 30th high school reunion and received a ton of compliments., thanks to you and the program. I feel so much better about myself."   LB

"Oh my goodness, Laurie, oh how I needed your words, heart and intellect today!! Wendy

Biological Age

Clarity and Certainty

Passion and Purpose

Harmony and Balance

Sometimes, you have to step back to move forward.  

After 25 years in Corporate America, I turned in a new direction. I began supporting others on their journey to better health and wellness. I was on the path myself. Early on in my life, through the loss of my very young mother, I came to know that the best gift we can give ourselves and those we love is our own well-being.

Social justice has been a life-long passion. At heightened levels of self-awareness and consciousness, you become the change you want to see in your life and see it reflected in the world. Emotional, physical, and spiritual prosperity are moments away as you RISE.

KabbalahBlue ZonesWhole Food Plant-Based Nutrition

Monthly Letter to Subscribers

Inspirational stories and tools to help you achieve spiritual and physical prosperity.

RISE and Shine!


We will all endure pain in our lives.

The question is, do you want to struggle through it or transform it?


And what do you want to contribute each day?

Peace or chaos

Clarity or confusion

Love or judgment

Compassion or resentment

Empathy or blame 

Certainty or doubt

As you move from Level UP 1 (transforming stress/anxiety into calm and peak performance), to Level UP 2 (knowing and living your Purpose), and then to Level UP 3 (mastering the heart-coherent techniques, spiritual tools, optimal nutrition, and lifestyle habits), your energy becomes transformational for a life filled with fulfillment, purpose, and prosperity.

You bring peace, love, and compassion, into each conversation, situation, and decision. You feel better. You have more energy and vitality. Others are noticing and are inspired.  

That’s heightened awareness and elevated consciousness. That’s you on the RISE with better health, deeper connections, loving communication, and a life of meaning and purpose.   

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”

~ Rumi

How it goes for women goes the nation and the world.  

You’ll discover the 7 Habits of Equality most of us are not living and the habits of inequality that most of us are living. Shifting to the 7 Habits of Equality will speed our way forward to equality, peace, and prosperity.  

#HealthyHappyEqual — Takes All 3 to Thrive!

Are You Ready to RISE?

Co-creating an extraordinary life through heightened awareness and elevated consciousness, uplifting every word, thought, and action for self and all existence.


Flaws awaken you to what can be transformed

Your Flaws Your BFFs

November 20, 20245 min read

In my many years studying Kabbalah, one of the most valuable things I ever learned was a response to the question: How do you know you are on the right spiritual path? And my teacher answered: “You have a heightened yet loving awareness of your flaws.”

We all have flaws. As someone told me once, “We’re all annoying to someone.” That may be a hard truth to swallow for some; however, the sooner you do, the easier and better your life can become.

Flaws are part of the human condition, yet we spend much of our precious time hiding them, denying or suppressing them. It’s exhausting and like thinking you will avoid death. Nobody has. The same can be said about flaws.

You are most likely not the chosen one or the few amongst us who do not have flaws. And that, I believe, is by design. Flaws awaken you to what can be transformed for a more fulfilling and abundant life. A next step and roadmap for you. So, the secret is not to hide, deny, or suppress them. Instead, embrace them!

When we hide, deny, or suppress our flaws, the ego becomes our driving force—ego consciousness. The ego gives us a ‘safety’ net that doesn’t serve us (and in reality is not so safe), like pessimism and excuses that keep us small, stuck, and repeatedly making the same choices that deliver undesirable results.

So, how do we move from ego consciousness to a heart-centered life—soul consciousness that lifts us from darkness into light and a more meaningful and abundant life?

Well, first, remember that darkness is not the absence of light. Darkness is the concealment of light. Think of curtains that only need to be opened to bring light into the space. So, let’s open the curtains, shall we?

Embrace your flaws and make them your BFFs (Best Friends Forever)!

Your flaws are neither bad nor good. They are human responses to past trauma and pain. Think of them like a crack in the highway that, over time, is inevitable. The crack needs repair—something to fill in those cracks.

So, name your flaws and do a little repair work with heart qualities like care, appreciation, and compassion. Choose heart qualities over ego-based ones that will always tell you something is wrong, you’re not good enough, you’re not the one, and the system is rigged against you. We can repurpose those flaws into goodwill for ourselves and others with heart qualities.

Channel envy into motivation to crystallize your goals. If there is envy, there is something you desire. Define the goal and steps to take to achieve it. Then go for it (you might need help, a class, or a mentor), and watch envy become the catalyst for a better version of yourself and an accomplishment you will be most proud of. That’s a shift from the ‘safety’ net of ego to a fully-lived life and soul consciousness.

Turn worry into an intelligent or a managed concern. Worrying depletes you as a low-frequency feeling creates more stress and a limited perspective. With heart qualities like care and appreciation—high-frequency feelings, we leave the worries behind. We intelligently and proactively consider the situation and the best possible solutions. Many times, your heart will tell you to do nothing at all!

Anger is a fuel that can be converted into action. You might be angry because, in the past, you have suppressed your opinions and desires. Feel a heart quality such as appreciation or compassion and shift anger into positive self-expression. Everyone wins when you do. Put yourself on the winning side with a heart quality and watch your confidence grow.

Laziness can signal the need for greater self-care and love. Designate time for yourself to do what you love to do. Maybe you need more rest. Maybe you need to fuel your body better, emotionally and nutritionally. As energy is on the RISE, so are you.

Impatience is a fear of what you might not get or lose. Breathe in inner ease, calm, or appreciation. Pick a heart quality that lifts your spirits and energy. Now, notice the fear dissipating as your heart’s intelligence and intuitive guidance provide a better response (than impatience) for you and all concerned.

As Ernest Hemingway once said:

“We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.”

So, welcome to humanity, and let the light in!

Live and learn.

Learn and grow.

Grow and RISE to embrace your flaws and turn them into what you desire.

Step into the light. The world is waiting for your whole self to emerge.

I like to share tools to facilitate the process and help you move from ego to soul consciousness, embrace your flaws, humanity, and a solid road ahead. So here are two to get you well on your way.


Stop the pattern of and need for instant gratification that comes from fear, lack, and doubt. Take a few slow, deep breaths in and out of your heart. Breathe in the feelings of ease, calm, and peace for a couple of minutes. Feel the state of neutrality and notice how much better you can feel in just a few minutes as you pause. You may notice a much wider perspective, calm, and ease that have replaced feelings like anger, judgment, overwhelm, and frustration.


Restrict the old, unhealthy, and triggered behavior patterns. Feel what it’s like to consciously restrict that behavior that creates chaos, confusion, and pain in your life. Feel your inner strength growing. Feel more masterful each time you restrict behavior that does not serve you and others. Notice you are moving from the back seat to the driver seat again. You have greater control of your life when you proactively restrict behavior that doesn’t serve you and choose another road.

I still mess up, and most likely, so will you. However, the more you Pause, the more you Restrict behavior that does not align with your core values and goals, the stronger you become. The strongest amongst us are not those without fear or flaws. They are those who override them.

Recognizing your flaws in a loving way, like a BFF, gives you the gift of freedom. Freedom from the pain and suffering of years gone by sourced from ego consciousness that kept you from the promise of a heart-centered, fulfilling, abundant, and loving life.

Just as you would embrace a loved one, embrace your flaws. Hug yourself (often), fill in the cracks with heart qualities, and take the high road ahead.

transformationflawsstrengthsegosoulheart centeredego consciousnesssoul consciousnessgrow learn
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Laurie Levin

We are all leaders, and with ongoing heightened awareness and elevated consciousness, you will make the profound difference only you can make. RISE with calm, ease, and immense gratitude and fulfillment. The best is yet to come. A bit about me: Mother, Author, Coach, and Speaker. HeartMath® Certified Coach. MBA. Student of Kabbalah and the Blue Zones. Whole Foods-Plant Based Nutrition. Life-Long Social Justice Activist. #HealthyHappyEqual — it takes 3 to thrive!

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How do you know you’re on the path to spiritual and physical prosperity?

“You have a heightened and loving awareness of your flaws.” (Kabbalah)

Let me know where you are on your journey. I can’t wait to hear from you!

© 2024 | Laurie Levin