You May Be Feeling It Too.

There is something more.

Something more for you to do.

Something more for you to become.

MY WISH FOR YOU is your best life lived. So,

Know and live your purpose. 

Passionately pursue your heart’s desires. 

Fuel your body well—emotionally and nutritionally.

Never stop seeking knowledge and understanding. 

Get to know and appreciate yourself deeply.

And always remember—the universe has your back.  




Personal RISE Coaching Sessions

Sometimes a little one-on-one time, another perspective, and a few tools

are all it takes to get unstuck and on the way to optimizing your potential, health, and performance.

Complete a Personal Health and Well-Being Assessment and schedule a session that best suits you..

Heart-to-heart, you got this!

Free 30-Minute

Breakthrough Session

Ready to be and do more in your life? Not sure you have the right mindset to make changes, stay on track, or achieve your goals? Are fear, lack, and doubt getting in your way? Welcome to humanity and there's no time better than now to start anew.


Personal RISE
Coaching Session

I am ready to schedule my

Personal Coaching Sessions to improve my health and well-being, learn techniques, and spiritual tools that will support my success. I am ready to RISE and bring my best self to my day, to others, and to the world.

What they are saying

"Thank you for such a perfect idea. I don’t think I could do this without your support and wisdom. You continue to change my life."


"I went to my 30th high school reunion and received a ton of compliments., thanks to you and the program. I feel so much better about myself."   LB

"Oh my goodness, Laurie, oh how I needed your words, heart and intellect today!! Wendy

Biological Age

Clarity and Certainty

Passion and Purpose

Harmony and Balance

Sometimes, you have to step back to move forward.  

After 25 years in Corporate America, I turned in a new direction. I began supporting others on their journey to better health and wellness. I was on the path myself. Early on in my life, through the loss of my very young mother, I came to know that the best gift we can give ourselves and those we love is our own well-being.

Social justice has been a life-long passion. At heightened levels of self-awareness and consciousness, you become the change you want to see in your life and see it reflected in the world. Emotional, physical, and spiritual prosperity are moments away as you RISE.

KabbalahBlue ZonesWhole Food Plant-Based Nutrition

Monthly Letter to Subscribers

Inspirational stories and tools to help you achieve spiritual and physical prosperity.

RISE and Shine!


We will all endure pain in our lives.

The question is, do you want to struggle through it or transform it?


And what do you want to contribute each day?

Peace or chaos

Clarity or confusion

Love or judgment

Compassion or resentment

Empathy or blame 

Certainty or doubt

As you move from Level UP 1 (transforming stress/anxiety into calm and peak performance), to Level UP 2 (knowing and living your Purpose), and then to Level UP 3 (mastering the heart-coherent techniques, spiritual tools, optimal nutrition, and lifestyle habits), your energy becomes transformational for a life filled with fulfillment, purpose, and prosperity.

You bring peace, love, and compassion, into each conversation, situation, and decision. You feel better. You have more energy and vitality. Others are noticing and are inspired.  

That’s heightened awareness and elevated consciousness. That’s you on the RISE with better health, deeper connections, loving communication, and a life of meaning and purpose.   

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”

~ Rumi

How it goes for women goes the nation and the world.  

You’ll discover the 7 Habits of Equality most of us are not living and the habits of inequality that most of us are living. Shifting to the 7 Habits of Equality will speed our way forward to equality, peace, and prosperity.  

#HealthyHappyEqual — Takes All 3 to Thrive!

Are You Ready to RISE?

Co-creating an extraordinary life through heightened awareness and elevated consciousness, uplifting every word, thought, and action for self and all existence.


I like to provide tools to make change, growth, and transformation simpler and easier to sustain.

Feeling Stuck? There's One Simple Question You Need to Ask Yourself

September 06, 20245 min read

As you might have noticed, I like to provide tools to make change, growth, and transformation simpler and easier to sustain.

So often, we find ourselves stuck—stuck with our current health status, within a relationship, job, or situation—because we are simply wishing, blaming, excusing, or denying rather than putting our precious time and energy into what will create the change we want to see in our lives. And all that, more often than not, comes from an internal state of self-doubt, lack, and fear. 

That's okay. We've all been there, may currently be there, and there's a tool! So you, and all of us, are in great company, and there's a way out. 

Tools, like a hammer, make things possible and a lot less painful. You might just be missing a hammer!

We often need a tool to see the situation, a person, a challenge, or a goal in a new way—or at least to be curious about it rather than closed-minded, resigned, or in denial, then stressed, anxious, angry, or depressed because nothing is changing. We get down on ourselves and life, pulling us further away from our goal.

A lack of curiosity and a growth mindset creates a life-sucking state, and that is why I like tools so that we don't hang out there for long. There's a better and easier way forward. 

First, here are a couple of quick stories:

After an hour or so this week attempting (and failing) to complete the necessary steps for the Post Office to receive a package from the U.S., including setting up an account, uploading pictures of required documents, and completing and uploading a form, I headed to the Post Office (Correos here in Spain) to see if they could help. I had already waited three weeks for the package.

After 10 minutes in line and 30 minutes with the Post Office employee, still unable to get into their site, I headed out the door, feeling pressure rising in my chest. I thought about the time and money spent on what appeared to be now heading back to the States. I had just five days to complete the process and was on day four. 

I took a breath and decided to enjoy my walk home along a beautiful Spanish street filled with shops and cafes.

As I walked back into my apartment and with a renewed desire, I thought to myself—let's give it one more try. Well, it all worked like clockwork, this time getting into the site, setting up the account, and uploading the documents. My order is now en route to my apartment. 

Here is the second story I want to share—more like a fable.  

A woman lives with her son on a farm. They are very poor and have to manage most things by hand. One day, a horse shows up, and the neighbors proclaim, 'What good luck! You have a horse to pull the plow now.' 

Within several days, the boy falls off the horse and breaks his leg. The neighbors proclaim, "What bad luck! Your son can't help you with the farm work." A few weeks later, a war breaks out, and the soldiers come to the village to gather all the young men to go to battle. The neighbors proclaim, "What good luck! Your son will not have to go to war." 

So, is it good luck or bad luck? A blessing or a curse? My Post Office saga—good luck or bad luck? In time, it just might all be good. 

So here's the tool I used as I left the Post Office to shift my situation. When something happens, instead of:

I made a mistake. I can't do it. I'm terrible.

They made a mistake. They're terrible.

It doesn't work (for me). I've spent all this time. I'm pissed!

The company/the client/the friend/the partner betrayed me—I'm done!

S/he is judgmental and a bad person. Done with them!

It isn't fair. I lost my job, the contract, the stock tanked, I wasn't invited—Life sucks!

Remember, those are often expressions of doubt (much of it self-doubt), lack, and fear. Instead, PAUSE. Take just a moment (like a couple of seconds—this stuff doesn't take long) and then ask yourself: 

How can this situation help me grow?

That's what I did when I stepped out of the Post Office. And what came to me was, 'For now, Laurie, enjoy the opportunity at hand. Enjoy your walk home.'

I experienced a very different energy, one renewed with a shift in perspective that allowed me to see what I could not see in a stress state. Stress exacerbates fear, lack, and doubt which shut down our highest levels of intelligence, intuition, and in my case—patience.

When you ask yourself, "How can this situation help me grow?" you confirm your belief in yourself. Self-doubt diminishes. Clarity and confidence are on the rise. The openness to learning and growth allows for change. 

Hanging out in a stressful state will create more of what you don't want. On the other hand, maintaining a growth mindset calls us forth to rise and meet the moment, becoming the change we want and deserve.

Accepting that everything that happens is an opportunity for growth and improvement, you don't suffer from limited viewpoints that beat you down. Nothing good comes from a beat-up of any kind. 

That simple question, "How can this situation help me grow?" confirms—I got this. I believe in myself to solve the challenge and deliver what I want most.

Just asking the question stops the suffering and the stalemate. You're thinking ahead now. You're moving forward. It might have you reach out for the help you need. Fueled by your desire rather than fear, lack, or doubt, you're taking responsibility for your life and moving forward. In solution mode, rather than victim mode, you are no longer stuck. 

As babies, we come into this world curious, enthusiastic, and always on the go. We always want to know and learn more. So, rather than tell yourself something that doesn't allow for the growth, curiosity, and learning opportunity you deserve, ask the question!

You’ll love what’s on the other side. I call it freedom. Freedom from complacency, disappointment in self and others, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and frustration. Remember: every situation you are in is an opportunity for growth when you ask yourself how can this situation help me grow?

getting unstucktransformationhealinghealthachieving goals
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Laurie Levin

We are all leaders, and with ongoing heightened awareness and elevated consciousness, you will make the profound difference only you can make. RISE with calm, ease, and immense gratitude and fulfillment. The best is yet to come. A bit about me: Mother, Author, Coach, and Speaker. HeartMath® Certified Coach. MBA. Student of Kabbalah and the Blue Zones. Whole Foods-Plant Based Nutrition. Life-Long Social Justice Activist. #HealthyHappyEqual — it takes 3 to thrive!

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How do you know you’re on the path to spiritual and physical prosperity?

“You have a heightened and loving awareness of your flaws.” (Kabbalah)

Let me know where you are on your journey. I can’t wait to hear from you!

© 2024 | Laurie Levin